Sunday, December 16, 2012

A few things...

It has been difficult to post, Abe is in Hawaii for a week and has the laptop with all pictures, but I have some things to report.

First of all, Suzy and I got Scuba certified.  That is a HUGE accomplishment for me.  I have issues with water and had terrible time taking my mask off underwater, but I was finally able to do it and I am so excited to explore the underwater world.  Note to Santa- underwater camera please.  On our first dive we caught a puffer fish and saw two sea turtles.  Hoping many more underwater adventures are to follow.

Also, Abe found a snake in our toilet and it was not a small snake!  I don't know if any of you know about Abe and snakes, but let's just say he was ready to book flights home the same day.   Luckily, the snake disappeared after Abe slammed the lid down while we were all panicking trying to figure out what to do  and he has yet to reappear.  We had the plumbers out the very next day and none of us have lingered in the bathroom since, I can assure you.  

We are enjoying the Christmas season, although it doesn't seem very seasonal since it is a beautiful 85 degrees everyday.  Tonight we attended a Christmas Devotional where the kids dressed up and acted out the nativity scene and we sang carols.  We also watched a short movie about the birth of our Savior.  It helped me remember where the focus of our Christmas should be.  I love this season and opportunity to reflect on the life of Jesus Christ and all he has done for us. 


  1. I just read your whole blog and it made me homesick for you guys!! Love you and your cute family. You're an inspiration to us boring Kellers. Keep up the blogging!!

  2. So fun to hear your new adventures! I have to say, I'm a little jealous. Your family will have some great memories! Good luck with everything, and keep posting, we look forward to reading!
