Sunday, March 3, 2013

Blissfully warm

Greetings-I know it has been a while.  Life continues to be blissfully warm here on Guam.  While Suzy and I were laying on the beach the other day, I looked over at her and commented how this is what we are going to miss when we are back in Washington, particularly in March.  There is so much we love about living here, fabulous weather year-round, great friends and beautiful beaches to name a few.  We love to run down the beach for a hour of snorkeling or to watch the sunset.  Sadly, one cannot have it all.  We have spent much time trying to decide if we will stay on-island an additional year or head back to the mainland, still not a hundred percent sure.  There is a lot we miss about life in states.  Being able to buy fresh produce and groceries without having to spend a small fortune, is something we are all looking forward to.
Beach combing before sunset
We couldn't let February 14th sneak by without celebrating Valentine's Day.  I love traditions.  By moving here and essentially living out of a suitcase for a year, there have been some things we had to let go, but we were able to still celebrate heart day in most of our usual fashion.  Decorations of hearts all around, heart shaped food and homemade Valentines to name a few.  Abe usually sends his daughters flowers and a sweet note telling them how wonderful they are.  The prices of the already wilting flowers at our grocery store was comical.  With a price tag of $60 for four roses and $45 for a spray of carnations, we decided to pass on that and opted for a bouquet of fresh plumerias picked from the side of the road.  I wish I had taken a picture of those.

My Valentine!

Heart-Shaped Pizza- Valentine's Day Tradition

I recently ran in a half marathon.  It was a very Guam event.  For starters it was called the "Hafa Marathon."  Do you remember that the customary greeting here is "Hafa Adai." This island gets going early, gun went off at 4:45am, so much for sleeping in here.  The finisher's medal doubles as a bottle opener (I'm sure mine will get lots of use) and my friend who won was awarded among other things a  carabao bank (similar to a piggy bank, but shaped like a carabao).  Of course, it finshed up on the beach. Great race!
Notice the bottle opener!
Dinner on the lawn in February- yes please!

Last weekend left us all on a spiritual high.  Elder Russel M. Nelson and three other general authorities came to visit Guam.  We had a special stake conference where we got to hear from all of them.  Isaac and Savannah got to attend a youth fireside and participate in a youth choir that sang at two meetings.  One of the songs they performed was written just for this occasion.  Abe had the privilege of being one of the drivers for the visiting authorities.  He had the opportunity to spend the whole weekend with them and show them around the island as well as make sure they made it to all their meetings.  He was the driver for Elder Callister and his wife and got to spend some time getting to know them better.  It was a really neat experience for all of us.

Isn't my husband handsome?

Lastly, Isaac and I had a  fun dive yesterday.  Gun Beach was a new place for us to try.  We saw a spotted ray, jellyfish, and the biggest turtle I have seen yet.  Watching the jellyfish move very was interesting.  I also got to hold a puffer fish.  I am happy to report now that I have been diving a few times, I am getting better at not freaking out about being sixty feet underwater.  Not all the way there yet, but making progress. 
Definitely need to work on my underwater smile.
I heeded Marlin's advice and marveled from a distance.
Big old grandpa turtle


  1. these are experiences you probably would never have in the states. So jealous!!!! but glad you're enjoying it as I know it was a hard decision:)

  2. Wow! I would loooove to lay on the beach and go snorkeling. Such beautiful pictures. Your kids seem to have grown so fast! What an exciting experience for you and your family. I do have to say that warm water diving is much nicer than here. I never liked the cold water, even in a dry suit.
