Friday, September 7, 2012

On our way!

This is it!  We are on our way.  Our family is moving to Guam.  Yesterday as we boarded a plane bound for Hong Kong, a quick stop over trip on our way, my hear was so full.  As the plane gained altitude and everything below was reduced to ant-size proportion, I realized the magnitude of what was happening.  We were leaving behind a life and place we had lived and loved for seven years.  Although we are looking forward to all that lies ahead, I began to wonder if this was a good decision.  We have been so happy in La Center.  I can only hope and pray that what lies ahead will also be for our good.  As I was thinking about all we were leaving behind and how hard it was to say good-bye it was definitely a bitter-sweet moment.

Thankfully, the gentleman that checked us in upgraded us to business class.  He probably took one look at me and the bags under my puffy eyes resulting from a severe lack of sleep and crying for the last few days and took pity on me.  Although I must say, if one has to endure a 12 hour flight, this is the way to go.  From a six-course meal served on a white tablecloth to a seat that reclines into a completely laid out bed, it did help ease the pain and best of all, really wowed the kids.   It has been so fun to see the reactions of other travelers, 99% of which are Chinese.  I can't tell if they are more drawn to the very blonde hair of David and Addie or the fact that we have FIVE kids.  Due to the language barrier, we just get smiles and nods and many want to touch Bugs' hair, something an over-tired and sometimes shy boy, didn't like.

Posh traveling

Loving the service

Still smilnig, after 24 hours of travel
 With all that has gone into our preparations, I have been so overwhelmed by the outpouring of love we received from so many to help us transition.  An amazing amount of effort was needed to make this move a possibility and there is no way we could have pulled with off without the help of so many amazing friends, which made leaving them all even more difficult.  I am looking forward to this new chapter in our lives, nothing short of an adventure when moving and traveling overseas with five kids in tow.   Here we go!


  1. this is Janice, because I had no idea you had this blog until Heather left it up. This blog entry made me cry as it is still so close to our own experience and heartstrings. I miss you, even though I've been gone for a couple of months. I sure hope our paths cross again sometime. In the meantime I will be watching facebook and now this blog:) Safe travels my friend!!!

  2. Grandma Smith here. We are SO excited for all of you! What SWEET airline accommodations! Suzy will tell you it's a lot better than our flight to Moscow for sure. Thank you for doing this blog! Smart on your part and wonderful for all of us. This reminds me of taking Abe as the oldest of 6 to The Netherlands when Abe was 12. You have some wonderful memories ahead of you for sure. Our love to you all!

  3. Heartbroken that I didn't get to help! I will miss you all terribly, but you will always be in my heart :) Enjoy this new chapter in your life. Grasp the adventure and newness with both hands. Love the people, enjoy the customs and food, learn new things, and make new friends. Oh, and of course, spread your awesomeness like wildflower seeds :) MUCH LOVE! Drew

  4. Those do look like amazing accommodations! I'm sure it eased the pain of such a long flight. Thanks for starting this up, we are all dying to "see" all of the new things you guys do. Tell everyone hello!.....aunty sonia

  5. Wow, I never knew flying business class could be so posh! Have a wonderful adventure! Can't wait to read all about it in your blog!

  6. WOW! So excited for your family! Thanks for doing this blog. It will be great to follow your adventures.

  7. AHHHHHHH!!! You did it!! I am so excited for you guys. Super jealous of the business class -- what a tender mercy. Keep the adventures coming so we can follow along. Love you guys!!
