Monday, September 10, 2012

Out on the Town

We had a great Sunday.  Abe and the boys headed out early to look around and watch the locals do their tai chi in the park.
Victoria Park on Hong Kong Island
The "green-shirted" tai chi group in Victoria Park

The "come as you are" tai chi group
It is obvious we are still getting used to the time change.  All this and still time to walk to church for 9am sacrament meeting.    It  was so nice to meet people we could actually communicate with.  For the first time I remember, we are in the vast minority here, but at church we fit right in.  Funny, Abe and I have been talking about what an adventure this all is, but as we talked with others at church, what we are taking on seems like a walk in the park.  So many of those we met have lived overseas for years and in places much more adventurous, they were an impressive group.  We felt like rookies.   It was so good though to see that the gospel is as much a part of their lives as it is ours.

Church building, we had classes on six different floors

View from bridge in front of  the church

Later  we enjoyed taking a double-decker bus to the top of Victoria Peak.  Driving up gave us such a feel for the city.  Countless apartment towers, graded cemeteries built on the hill sides, soccer fields in use, and we noticed all the cars here with the exception of the taxis are new and pricey...we're talking Ferraris, Rolls Royces, Porsches, Maseratis, the list could go on. The views from the top were nothing short of spectacular.  We took a trail a couple miles long that circles the top of the mountain allowing views on all sides.   While the sun set, we walked around, just as the lights began to illuminate on both sides of the harbor.
Largest spider I have ever seen!!

Post card worthy views


  1. Wow!!! That is an amazing view. So cool to see a Sunday on the other side of the ocean. Don't forget to sneak in a photo now and then Holly!

  2. Post card quality photo on that last one! What an amazing day. What an amazing family! Suzy, none of your friends are doing this! They're jealous for sure!!! You're already making us anxious to come visit you--and you're not even to Guam yet.

  3. Hi Holly! Tiffany Pancheri here. Um, I need some more info. Guam? What the what? Fill me in!!
