Sunday, January 6, 2013

More Adventures

One of the great things about Christmas break has been all the time we have had to explore together.  We were able to make a few more checks on the Guam bucket list. First hike was Sella Bay, a hike on the southern part of the island.  Our friends, the Summer family were our guides.  It was about a 1.5 mile hike through a drier area of the island.  At one point Emily, also an Idaho girl, and I commented it smelled like Idaho sagebrush, not something you usually get on Guam.  The view of the water kept us motivated, it was pretty warm.  We were not disappointed when we got there.  A beautiful bay with waves perfect for the kids to jump in.  We snorkeled out to see interesting coral and lots of fish, of course. 
Great Hiker!!

Fun waves , Beautiful beach
Bugs throwing his coconut
View from the finish (Shows all the ground we covered)
Next stop--Talofofo Caves.  I have never been much of a spelunker, but this was fun.  A group of several families from the ward got together to explore these caves.  We learned that these caves served as places for the natives to hide during the fighting of WWII.  There were five caves, each a little different.  The first one had a narrow passage which opened in to a large room with a few branches off that the boys explored.  The next required repelling into deep dark holes- we weren't up for or equipped for that. 
The next one had up crawling up and down and scooting through tunnels.  We had quite a few little kids so we set up a line and handed the kids up and over to get them all where we wanted to go.  It eventually led us to a beautiful overlook of the ocean.  The last one we explored also led us to a view spot, this one much smaller and required some belly crawls.  We never found the last one, but after all this we were ready for the Inarajan pools.  We ventured over there since Abe wasn't with us last time.  We all had a good time jumping in.  Abe and Isaac perfected their back flips and the rest of us had a good time and looking rather silly I am sure.  

Inside the first cave, it was pitch black.
One of the deep dark holes
Most of the kiddos

That's our Bugs, always collecting sticks
View from the cave ledge
Abe heading back through, feet first approach
Making our way through
All of us on the ledge

Look at that form, not bad for 40!
Common site on the side of the road

We enjoyed New Years Eve here at home with some friends.  Swimming, snorkeling and hanging out at the beach was how we spent New Years Day, mostly because we could.  The fabulous weather spoils us every day. 

Isaac is popular with the ladies, all ages.

Addie and I snorkeled for a while, really hoping to see a sea turtle, better luck next time.
I have been able to run a fair number of races here.  Loving the fact that entry fees are usually about $5.  I am getting to know some other runners, there are lots, on the island too which is great.  On Saturday I ran a race that went from one side of the island to the other, hence the name Cross Island Road, 10 miles in all. It is also the road we live on and I had my own cheering section at mile 6 (camped out on the drive-way).  It was HILLY, but I finished.
Happy to be runnin'


  1. okay, I'm putting in a request for an underwater camera so we can see all the coral and fish that you get to see:)

    1. Yeah you and the rest of us. Sadly, they come with a hefty price tag. Maybe we can borrow one.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great update, Holly. Wow, Isaac is getting so tan! And are we talking Landerholm hilly or coming back from the bridge-up-through-town-to-the-school hilly?

  4. How lucky you and your family are. I would loooove to go on all those hikes, and swim in the warm ocean everyday. I can skip the caves, especially the small dark ones. I can only imagine how tan you all are getting!

  5. I love the picture with Isaac and Avery! What fun times!
