Sunday, January 27, 2013

Ups and Downs

Life on Guam has its ups and downs for us.  The weather is a huge plus, especially this time of year.  Finding a snake in the toilet is kind of a downer for me.  I wrote a while back about how Abe had seen a snake in the toilet, we had the plumbers out...anyway it disappeared and I was always a little nervous it was going to reappear.  Well, it did and this time I was the one who saw it.  I have to say I was so impressed with Abe.  He responded to his damsel in distress, whipped out his machete and we are happy to report that snake will not be making any more appearances.  Actually, I am relived to know it is no longer lurking in the pipes, I just sincerely hope that is our last snake encounter.
Not a welcome house guest
Not long after the snake incident Abe climbed on his car one morning to find this guy in his cup holder.  All comfy and nestled in the cord of Abe's ipod, he didn't want to move and made getting him out a chore wile he cowered under the seat.  We think he was a stow-away after Abe helped a friend move over the weekend, a friend with a large plant collection.  One never knows what critters may be hiding in our tropical paradise.
Mr. Toad, just along for the ride
One of the benefits of fabulous weather year- round opportunities to be out playing sports.  Isaac just started tennis and is really enjoying it.  He is new to the sport, so there is a lot to learn, luckily the Australian Open has provided him with several hours to watch and learn from the pros. 
Trying his hand at tennis
Tennis scenery
Abe and I were just commenting the other day how we think being here has brought us closer as a family.  Those feelings were verified when I went into the girls' room the other morning and found all five kids sleeping in the same bed.  Look closely, see if you can spot them all.
Snug as five bugs
One of favorite things about Guam has been the people.  We love our associations with the islanders we have met here.   Most of them have moved here from other islands.  At our church, we have families from Chuuk, Pohnpei and Yap.  English is not their first language and most of the adults did not finish high school and have not had any schooling in English. To help these individuals improve their reading and writing abilities, we started literacy classes.  We meet once a week for two hours and it has been wonderful.  In order to accommodate our "students" we meet in two different locations and although we are just getting started I am already so excited about what this will do for our class members.  I love to see their eagerness to learn.  A young woman in our Washington ward collected a library for us to loan to our class and they all enjoy taking a book home with them from class.  I have also been able to work with a friend who, thanks to Abe's help, will be heading to BYU-H in April.  The opportunities to serve here have been a great blessing to me and my family. 
Merizo literacy class
Literacy to college-prep (check out our classroom)
Love the sunsets

 Wearing shorts roasting marshmallows under a palm tree in January-definite UP!


  1. I agree with you about moving there would make your family draw closer to each other. That would be a reason for me to want to do something like you did. Isaac is getting so tall! I would love the sunsets to!

  2. I love all the opportunities you have to serve! There isn't much need for literacy help in the areas we've lived in. The weather and the water would definately be a major plus!

  3. I love hearing your stories. We miss you!
