Sunday, June 16, 2013

Catchin' up

Now that we know our days on Guam are numbered, we are trying to make the most of the time we have remaining.  Our bucket list has been written...and trimmed and we are taking advantage of all the opportunities we have to check items off.  Since we were short on time last weekend, we hit Marbo Cave, hike time was about five minutes.  At first we didn't think there was much there, but as we started to explore we found areas to jump off, tunnels to swim through and how fun it can be swimming in the dark with flashlights.  Bugs has gotten so much more comfortable in the water and is fearless jumping in and trying to do whatever the big kids do.  It is so fun watching him and see his confidence grow. 
Ready to jump!

Cool to see how the lights illuminate in the water.

Another fun thing the kids enjoy and now wish was a daily ritual is night swimming and snorkeling.  We tried it on a whim and they had such a good time they want to go every night.  It would be better if we had our own underwater flashlights, but they still seem to enjoy it and we find ourselves over at the ocean/ pool fairly often.  Tonight, Abe was over there with the kids while I stayed home to get caught up on a few things.  When the crew all returned, they recounted how brave David was being the first one in the water, jumping off the top of the life guard chair.  While helping him brush his teeth, I said to David, "Isn't it so fun being brave and trying new things?"  He looked and me and said, "No.  Sometimes you belly-flop and it really hurts."
Many of the villages here have a yearly celebration, some are better than others.  We had heard good things about the Agat Mango Festival and it did not disappoint.  When on Guam, some good island dancing is a necessity and we got our fill. When the dancers finished with the performance, they all grabbed someone out of the audience to dance with.  One of the dancers made a bee-line for Suzy.  Although a little embarrassed, she was a good sport about it.  As for her mother, I hope her next partner isn't so scantily clad. 

"Focus on his eyes, Suzy!  His eyes!"
How 'bout them mangoes?
We were disappointed when we heard the Elders were leaving and Sisters were replacing them.  Isaac had been such a regular going with the missionaries to teach several  times a week.  We quickly learned the benefit.  Savannah gets to go!  She has been able to go a few times and really enjoyed teaching Shyleen, a girl her age who she quickly became friends with.  Savannah also set a goal to make some baptismal clothes for our ward.  Shyleen decision to get baptized was just the motivation Savannah needed to get some of the skirts made. 
Future Missionary Savannah
Savannah with Shyleen at her baptism.  Savannah made the skirt for her to wear.
Savannah got to check a few things off her bucket-list.  Item #1- Ride a carabou.-Check.
Item #2- Climb up to the top of the Umatac bridge. -Check.
Lucky we ran into Big John and Bessie.

This would be much more impressive if you saw the rusted out and swaying stairs they had to climb to get there.

Last of all some pictures of Memorial Day in a place where we are blessed to enjoy our freedom.

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