Sunday, June 30, 2013

SO Guam!

There is saying on Guam for those of us who have moved here and are new to the surroundings- OOG (only on Guam).  This is used for the interesting and sometimes quirky things one finds on Guam.  Around the Smith household, we like to refer to them as SO Guam.  While we have been living here I have been collecting photos of the wonderful and sometimes unusual things we come across.  Hope it gives you a glimpse into our unique island.

First, one cannot over look the natural beauty of the island.  So many things have captured my eye.
Hibiscus and plumerias abound here, but I never tire of them.
This is a common site, a coconut falls from the tree and before too long, another tree has sprouted.
I had never seen this before, but below a bunch of bananas grows a banana heart.  They sell it in the grocery store, but we have yet to try it.
I know I have posted about it before, how how could I overlook the water when talking about Guam.

 Next is the animals.  I have posted about the carabous, but there are a few other interesting animals we have come across.  The snake in the toilet is still the only one I have seen on Guam, glad they are hanging out where I am not.  The coconut crabs are pretty cool to see, glad the biggest ones have always been on display somewhere.  There are a lot of wild pigs here, I know it keeps our hunting friend busy. 
We spotted these guys in a parking lot.
We saw this monitor lizard while on a recent hike.
Another thing I love about Guam is what I have come to think of as "beautifying graffiti".  The bus stops here are all painted with positive Guam love slogans and beautiful murals are all around.  Here are a few of my favorites.
This is part of a large mural I saw someone painting over the course of a few months.  Love how it turned out.
Some of that Guam love!

This one captures Guam life.

Love the bus shelters!
We weren't sure what to make of this one.  Glad they painted the bridge, but what is with the animal decals?  OOG!

 A few other things we have seen on Guam...

Road-side stands selling all kinds of yummy fruit, some I have never heard of and they pickle everything they can get their hands on. 

Have to admit this is the first McDonald's in a trailer I have seen.

 No  bath tub?  There is always a cooler.  Got to hand it to her for being resourceful!
Guam loves their latte stones.  I'm told the latte stone was used in building things by the ancient Chamorros.  They have become a symbol of Chamorro life and are used widely here.  Guam is home to the world's largest one.  Can't believe I don't have a picture of it.  For now this will have to do.
The plaque thing with the guy on it is made in the shape of the famed latte stones.
We do love this island and its people, quirks and all.  

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