Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Another week in Paradise

As we become better acquainted with the island and its people, we love it more and more.  This last week brought some awesome experiences.  On Friday night, Abe and I headed to the Micronesian Island Fair held here once a year.  Many of the the nearby  islands were represented including Chuuk, Saipan, Kosrae, Yap, Marhall Islands, Pohnpei, and Palau.  Some of these islands are very primitive and still use shells for money.  We had a great time learning about some of the cultures, watching dances, sampling local food and perusing their hand-made wares.

Dancers from the Marshall Islands
I took a picture of this boy holding a coconut crab because I was too chicken to hold it.
Nearly naked island chief let me and a friend have a picture with him.
Opportunities to serve and fellowship abound here on Guam and we are taking advantage of them every chance we get.  This last weekend we attended a baptism on Saturday.  Sunday night we went to a devotional held on the southern tip of the island.  It is about a half hour drive to the church so the missionaries started holding a monthly devotional down there for those who are able to make it to the church building for Sunday services.  The setting was amazing.  Overlooking the ocean, under a tarp we met some wonderful people coming to know and embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The back drop of our devotional setting.
Devotional crowd
Notice the pianist, his mom will be so proud. 

To finish off our weekend we went bowling on Monday (yay for Columbus Day)  with a few families from the ward and then met to do new member discussions with a young family who recently joined the church.  We are humbled and grateful for these experiences that seem to be uniquely Guam.  Such a great weekend. Looking forward to conference coming up (tape delayed at the church). 

Cute bowlers
This is going to be a good one!
When we finish school early we head to the beach.  We have lots of them to check out.

This beach had loads of hermit crabs, all sizes too.  The kids had fun with them.  I hope we left them all there.  


  1. We are loving reading about your adventures. Guam looks beautiful. Are you homeschooling everyone?

  2. Oops! I missed this last week. So good to get your updates. Do you know any more about how long you'll be there? Do you think you'll get much notice if you have to leave early? We're sure amazed at the experiences you are having. Your lives will forever be impacted by the memories you're making. And, I AM proud of Abe on the piano!! Good boy!

  3. We are hoping to stay two years. No word about if that will pan out or how long Abe's work will keep us here.
