Monday, October 1, 2012

Getting Better and Better

We enjoyed a great weekend, so glad to not have a huge to-do list and a day with Abe off.  Saturday the weather wasn't cooperating, but we headed to the beach anyway.  Being from WA when it is raining, you usually don't want to be outside, much less in the ocean.  We are still getting used to the fact that when it rains here, it is still 86 and while you get wet, you aren't cold.  Figuring we would be in the water anyway, what does a little more wet matter.  It was great and while it did rain a little, it was pretty clear.  We are learning a little about the weather here.  We are in the rainy season right now which means it rains a lot, not time wise, but amount.  Actually, we are having a monsoon now.  Today, it dumped a few inches in an hour ,then it was clear.  A full day of rain in WA usually results in less accumulation.  As for the weather, I was a little nervous before we came.  So far, it has been great.  I am loving not ever needing to throw jackets in the car.  It is humid, but very comfortable.  We'll see if that holds true in the dry season.  Back to the beach, the kids and Abe had so much fun snorkeling and diving in the waves.  Many of the beaches here are shallow for a ways, maybe a couple hundred yards.  Abe was only about waist deep where the waves were breaking.  David is a little fish.  He doesn't like using the mouthpiece on the snorkel, he just holds his breath, comes up for air and dives right back in.  It is so fun to watch them get the hang of it and be so excited about what they see underwater.  They categorize the fish by the characters of Nemo.  David will say, "I saw a Gill" and then, "there is a Dori down there."

Getting their feet wet
A rare picture with Bugs' head above water
What most of the shots looked like.  No Bugs or Addie in sight.
About three minutes into the car ride home.
 Our ward here is a good mix of islanders, Navy families and a few who came years ago and haven't wanted to leave.  We are really enjoying getting to know them.  There was a baptism on Saturday, the third week in a row with a convert baptism.  The font is outdoors, it is either that or in the ocean.  The church building itself is different from most in the states.  The chapel is on one side then there is a breezeway and two separate buildings with class rooms that all open outdoors. The breezeway serves as the spot to mingle, do potlucks and meet up after church. 
Outdoor font
Talisay Ward Chapel
Check out the street sign, how cool is that?
Home grown bananas
 When we got home from church on Sunday, the landscapers were taking a break on the lawn.  They had just cut open a few coconuts and were sharing the juice.  The crew was there cutting down trees by the owners request.  We asked them to spare as many as possible. Clearing them gives us a better  view, but I was excited to harvest bananas, coconuts and mangoes.  They gave us some of the bananas which will have to ripen up a bit.  Several times over the last couple of weeks admiring the view and all that is so new, Abe and have thought how cool that we live here. 


  1. Again---WOW!!!! I can hardly wait to come visit you! What season is March--dry or rainy?

  2. Love the shot of David asleep against Isaac.

  3. can we come visit too?:) so glad you are settling in, finally:)

  4. would it be possible somehow in your blog settings, to allow us to “follow” this blog, and be notified by e-mail when you post? I was able to do that with my blog for other people, and that way none of us would have to miss out on any of your postings. Just a thought. If you need help, I could look into it and get back to you.

    Love you guys!

  5. Love the pictures! I'm glad you are settled. Not knowing where you will sleep is unsettling ;).
